I am joining Natasha's Revamp It! party today...
which is just what was needed to get my creative mojo back into gear...
so without further ado.......
take one pure wool black jersey, wash it several times in boiling hot water, dry it on hot in the clothes dryer and ta da......
it refuses to felt!!!
not to worry, work with what we have.....

and dye, forgetting to put gloves on so I also have violet coloured hands....

but pleased with the end result

and the white millinery I dropped in at the last minute

and Revamp It .................................
another day...... because that is as far as I have got!!!!
have fun at Natasha's party and thanks to you Natasha for the great idea!!!!
take care
Well, we do like a cliff hanger and it is getting very exciting over here. Love what you have been doing so far. Now you have to come back soon! ;-)
hehe we don't get to see the hands? Stuff that refuses to felt drives me bonkers and I am way too smart (clumsy) to play with dye!
You are such a tease. Come on show us the rest, it is looking very promising!
Wow Rachael I love what you've done so far! Please please please find time to show us how it ends up, I'm dying to see, I bet it will be amazing!!
Thanks for joining in!
Great flowers! Blessings.
Hi Rachael..I love what I see so far...please share your revamp soon. hugs, Linda
HI loved the colourway you have choosen, can't wait to come back to see the end result.
Hi! fantastic color!
oooooh, i can't wait to see that Rachael...i love the color your laces and flowers are after their dye bath...i never finished my project either...well, mine is done now, not sure if i like it or not...i wish it had been done in time for pics for the party!!!
Dontcha hate projects that don't go the way you want them to!?
Hope the next project goes well!
Love the purple.
Rachael! That is so not fair! You have to show us the end result. I love the color of your doilies and flowers!
You're off to a good start!
I didn't finish as well ... this may just be the never ending party ; )
nothing wrong with that!
Haha you big tease! Can't wait to see the final result-
Oh Rachael, I cant wait to see it! I am loving the colors!! BEEUUTiful!
Love ya,
Oh how you tease us! Leaving us wanting more of those beautiful lace pieces. I can't wait to see the finished piece! Hurry, hurry I just don't know how long I can wait to see the revamped piece.
Ah, what a tease!
*singing* Purple hands, pur-r-rple hands...
Well I can't wait to see!
Oh no... purple hands [giggle]... now I want a photo of that too.
Hugs ~ Kerryanne
I think the textures and the colours are going to work so nicely. It looks like that sweater will be incredible when you're done with it!
would love to see it when you are done! thanks for visiting :)
Your first episode of "REVAMP IT" Has me coming back for more! I just loved how the doilies turned out. Gives me some ideas on what to do with all these doilies we end up with when going to sales, auctions ,etc.
Can't wait to see more. Hope you are feeling better. You've been in my thoughts.
Hi Rachael. I love what you have done so far, and you have to finish and post. I can only imagine how lovely the sweater will be.
Hugs Karen
I just stumbled upon your blog and was excited to see the dyed vintage doilies. I have wanted to try this myself and your end result looks so good I'm going to give it a go later today! Thanks for the inspiration!
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