Sunday, 28 June 2009

Pole Dancing!!!

soooooo, I go to Pole Dancing classes, part of my 'after separation therapy' lol

and I love it!!!

The moment I walked into the PolerevolutioNZ studio I knew it was the place for me. Red walls, soft lighting, incense, Buddha's music, candles, flowers, vintage clocks - a real zen like atmosphere and Amy, our lovely and very talented tutor!!

The first class was hilarious, I know you are meant to slide down the pole but not in the way we all did, collapsing to the floor in fits of laughter!!! And believe me, nothing sexy about it!!! I came away from that class hooked but oh dear the next day, the pain, the agony, unused muscles screaming, especially under my rib cage!!!

The next week was slightly better, but again the next day, the pain, different unused muscles and the bruising, massive inner thigh bruising!!! Sounds terrible really but its not, its fantastic, a brutal but amazing work out.

Amy starts us with a series of Pilates type stretches to warm and loosen us, we also end with more stretches. Our pole routine has a bit more added to it each week, more and more different moves.

In 5 weeks I have already become so much more flexible and supple, can 'float' around the pole and can stay on it!!! Still nothing graceful about what I am doing but I'm getting there!!!

The most important thing is I am working out, enjoying it and happier with my body than I have been for a long time!!

This is not me, but one day soon I hope to be able to do that!!!

That is Amy our tutor and owner of PolerevolutioNZ . Trust me, she is incredible!!!

One of my near future goals is to have a pole installed at home!!!
If you are looking for an amazing work out that tones and limbers your entire body and one that is really lots of fun at the same time then I can highly recommend pole dancing!!!
A bit different from my usual vintage type posts!!!
Rainy Sunday here today, Babes is coming over and we are all going to tuck up, watch a movie and eat snacks!!!
Take care, back soon
p.s. thanks Amy for the photo's I borrowed from your website!!!

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Winter Days

We are having the most glorious winter, day after day of heavy white frost followed by clear blue skies and sunny days . . . no winters blues here!!

On the first frosty morning the Princess and I went out in our dressing gowns and slippers. She was enthralled, not having seen frost like this before. Our bird bath had a solid layer of ice across it, so pretty as frozen into were flowers she had floated a few days prior.

We went across the road to our village green where she ran crunching on the icy grass before we went back inside for hot chocolates and cups of tea!

She's so loving and thoughtful at the moment, look what I found neatly folded up on the toilet seat for me . . . my own special paper - lol

We are just cruising along with our life, taking one day at a time. Babes and I are getting on very well, united in making this as easy as possible for the Princess. She is happiest when she sees him daily so we go with that. It has got easier for me as a lot of that awful raw pain has gone, it doesn't hit me so badly anymore.

I hold on to a tiny glimmer of hope that our family maybe able to reunite although we are a long way from that. I am also working on the possibility it won't so am putting things in place to set up a future for just the Princess and I, and you know what, its not so bad either! Not what I want, but not bad either!

Keeping busy with my little Internet business and pole dancing. I'll post pole dancing next time because its worthy of a post!!!

Not creating, my mind isn't there, but fingers are starting to feel a bit twitchy which means I am starting to have creative urges!!

I have 365 posts in my Google Reader to catch up on. Forgive me if I don't comment when visiting you!!!

Again, thanks so much for the support, your comments do brighten my day!

Take Care

Soon . . .


Wednesday, 10 June 2009


its been a while . . . .

I just haven't felt like blogging, in case you hadn't noticed!!!

such a lot going on, not going to cover it all in one post, would wear my fingers out!!!

but, back tracking to Mothers Day, and wishing all the Mummy's out there a very belated Mothers Day!!!

my Mothers Day was . . . unusual to say the least!!!!

I got breakfast in bed, Babes (yes that would be my estranged husband), thoughtfully had taken the Princess out to shop for me. He came in on Sunday morning and together they prepared my breakfast tray, he even put flowers in a vase on it (it was weird!).

But the Princess was so excited so I had to go along with it even though I wanted to throw up!!!

She had chosen this wonderful sparkly card and had written in it herself

and this earring and ring set (does match, but camera hasn't picked up the colour well). She chose it, he paid!!! She was beside herself, I had to put it all on then and there and she was busy chattering away how that was from her but the breakfast tray and flowers were from Daddy!!!

So of course I ended up crying... told her it was tears of happiness, which was partially true because of her excitement!!

The day got better though, I picked my Mum up from her flight, cooked a family dinner for her and family members, family, nice food, a little wine, a good ending!

Life is a roller coaster, up and down, good and bad, more good than bad.

I am keeping busy, have joined a few things, like learning to 'Pole Dance' . ..

and with that I will leave you until next time

soon . . .

take care