The rules of this award are:
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite (http://www.tammyvitale.com//) so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women and remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.
These women continually bring joy to my life through their encouragement, humour, inspiration and talent. It is with great pleasure that I award the "Wylde Women Award" to:
Brittany - Adeline's Shabby Cottage
Natasha - Artistic Creations by Natasha Burns
Karin - Creative Chaos
Sherry - Esprit*d'Art
Beth - Gathering Dust
Heather - Jewelled Elegance
Karla - Karla's Cottage
Connie - Living Beautifully
Bethany - Love from my Studio
Gail - Originals by Gail and Tony McCormack
Heather - Pretty Petals
Jessi - Scrappy Jessi
Kerryanne - Shabby Art Boutique
Karla - Sugar Bear Designs
My next Oscar, I mean award came from my friend Brittany at Adeline's Shabby Cottage. Brittany and I share the same sense of humour . . .
This award is given for brilliant photos and text.

Such a dilemma on who to award it to because I currently have 219 subscriptions in my Google Reader and obviously you all have brilliant text and photos or I would not be reading your blogs!!!
So off the top of my head ...
Louise - Beachys Cape Cod Cupboard
Cheryl - Confections
Dolly - Dollybelle's Peepshow
Sherry - Espirt*d'Art
Amy- I Love Retro Things
Katrina - Katrina Chambers
Muriel - Muriels diaries
Jen - My 3 boys and I
Jerusalem - my little life
Linda - Somewhere in Time
Diane - The Desperate Diva
Cielo - The House in the Roses
Melissa - The Inspired Room
My erratic blogging and visiting blogs is due to being so busy selling all my excess shop stock on Trade Me and getting my website up and running. Its full time and some at the moment and will be for a couple more weeks and then I promise that I will post and visit on a more regular basis!

In between this The Princess and I are going to have a little time away, we are going to Cairns, Australia from 12 to 19 August. My brother Phillip is getting married so it is very exciting. Unfortunately Babes can't come with us, he is away at a work conference during that time.
So until then, take care, bye bye
Rachael, have a wonderful time at your brother's wedding:) i hope the weather is beautiful for his special day! congrats on your award!!!
aaahh thanks doll,
i love that new award.
you are the best..
have fun.
Hi Rachael, thank you so very much for the award. I am so honored to receive it from you!
Thanks for the award! I really appreciate it :)
Have a lovely time at your bro's wedding!
thanks Rachael
enjoy yourselves in Australia :)
safe travels
Hi Rachael, thank you very much for the award.
I appresicate it so much!!!
Enjoy the wedding!
Congrats on your award. Hope you get through all your work soon!
Good morning, Rachael... thank you for thinking of me when passing this lovely award... It's an honor for me...... Good luck selling all your goodies... Have a wonderful week.
Sounds like a wonderful trip. Congrats on all your awards!
Thanks for the award Rachael! I hope you have a fabulous time at the wedding!
awww thanks for the award Rachael - I've passed it on :-)
Have a safe and happy trip in Australia.
Rachael, love the award thank you so much, I am honored you thought of me. Hugs, Linda
For me?? Really?? Well ...upon closer self-examination I guess I could agree about that "wild" part!! Can be a bit to handle sometimes (hubby would agree I'm so sure!! lol)
Thank you girl...you sure are most deserving yourself :D
What a fitting award for you!
wow !!! That was a lot of award giving. Thank you for the lovely thoughts given to me on my blog. I have decide to stay for art only.. which will free up things a bit. I have been stir crazy lately... so don't be a stranger and stop by Garb-oodles Soup updates on my art... Mica
Oh sweets, than you for the award...I'm chuffed.
I hope you and the little princess have a wonderful time on your holiday in Cairns.
Enjoy your time away!!!
Thanks so much Rachael!!! You made my day! I feel very honored :)
Wow you must be one busy little lady reading all of those blogs.... I thought I had a long list...
Hi Rachael,
Congrats on the award. Have a wonderful time at the wedding.
I am having a giveaway. I know you are very busy, but if you have a moment, stop by.
Hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
Well, Gosh dear, take a bow !! lol Couldn't happen to a nicer lady. :) Was there an Emmy in there too ? lol Hope you have a great time on your trip. :)
xoxo..thank you so much Rachael!!
Ohhhh what a cute thing with that wylde woman award... thank you so much for thinking of me! I hope you and princess have a wonderful time!!! xoxo Heather
Thanks for the award Rachael!
Wow have fun up in Cairns! It's a good time to be up there, not during the rain season. Hope you get fab weather and that your brother has a great fun wedding!
Hi Rachel!
I finally made it over to your blog! It is soooo wonderful! And thanks for the great award!I am going to have a hard time deciding too!
Congrats on your awards! Ooooh, a wedding ~ I LOVE weddings (& collect wedding memorabilia, too!). You & the Princess have a fun, safe trip!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Congrats on your new website! I know how it is to start one...I just did a few months ago and I really enjoy it. I just checked yours out...lovely!
Stop by and visit...I'm celebrating my blogaversary today!
Oh I see! Well, hello and goodbye :) Then welcome back while I'm at it!
Congratulations on your award, you deserve many!
Thank you so much Rachael,
your comment you left me for my daughter touched my heart!! I hope you will stop by again to visit me.
Looks like you deserve those awards!!
(Love Conquers All)
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. Your words have been a blessing and your prayers so very welcomed. Thank you for lifting us up during this time.
kari & kijsa
Congrats on your awards!! And oh my goodness, is that my name I see? Oh, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for the award!
Hope your brother's wedding is picture perfect and that you and the princess have a fabulous time!
Congrats on the recent awards, well deserved too, there are always amazaing things going on in your blog space.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday in the sunshine.
Well what a crappy blogging buddy I've been lately. So sorry darling!! Thank you SOOOOO much for my award!! You are the BEST!!
I chuckled and realized you're right!! We do have the same sense of humor. Like 2 nuts off the same tree lol!!
And to think, if it weren't for my cross dressing dog and your INSANELY wonderful sense of humor, we wouldn't have this relationship!!
BIG xoxoxo's,
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