hello, hello . . . I am still here, things are a happening!!! The garage is a changing!!! I am busy working on this and busy selling on this . . .
Its the last day of school today, two weeks holiday, yaheeeeee. Wacky hair day at school today, The Princess has many plaits embellished with the feathers from Mummy's feather duster, unused and now feather-less, feather duster!

Happy, happy Independence Day my American friends.

Got to go, am on a mission . . .
Thank you, miss aussie chick, but the Australians are great friends along with the Canadians!! We truly appreciate it. *Smiles and salutes*......
Connie in USA!
The Princess looks so grand in her feathers! Beautiful!!
Thanks for the Happy Fourth Greeting!
Have a wonderful weekend yourself!!
Looks like you've been doing a lot of work!! It's looking good! Hugs! Vanessa
wtg with that garage cleaning keep it up :)
your daughter is beautiful even with wacky hair :)
Also from me A happy Independence Day to all Our American friends!!
You're busy Rachael!! :)
Enjoy your weekend!!
I admire your cleaning motivation! You can feel free to help me when you are done.
Aussie chick? I thought you were a kiwi lol.
Seriously...the fun of the school holidays is that us mums have no school lunches to make each morning...I have 4 of them usually including my dh's.
Way to keep at it! I bet you're finding all sorts of buried treasure in your garage.
The Princess is darling!
Rachael, Princess looks so cute with her feathered hair.
Looks like you are starting to see some order in your garage. Keep at it and eventually it will be done.
Hugs Karen
Glad to hear you are making progress in your home! It is hard to be a woman...lol... my best friend and I say that all the time!
xo Heather
Hi Rachael, looks like you are making progress. Your little one is so cute in her wacky hair.
Thank you for the happy 4th greetings. It has been a wonderful weekend.
Have fun with your project and don't work too hard.
hugs, Celestina
la rea rose
Ooo.. I think I would love to have a wacky hair day!! Tomorrow? =) Blessings... Polly
Princess is looking so cute!
Thak you for the Happy 4th wish...we had a yummy BBQ.
I love your garage room challenge. I have an extra bedroom that looks just like it:). You are inspiring me to get busy. Hugs, Linda
I love the little Princess and her lovely locks......soooo cute. The feathers are a great touch.
Thanks for the Independence Day wishes!!!
We LOOOOOVE the Aussies in my area....we go to a church where they are "connected" with a church over there....so their people are always here and are people are always there. HA!!!
In fact the Pastor here and many of their staff is over THERE right now.
Plus....we just love our Allies..thanks for all you guys do.
You go girl on that garage..it'll be done before you know it.
See ya!!!
Joyce M. in Louisiana....:~)
Wow, you are busy !! Your Website looks awesome !!
Thank You! It was a wonderful Fourth!
And I see that your GARAGE SALE is going forward!!!! Congrats to YOU!
Wish me good luck in cleaning out my house! :)
Can't wait to see the results of your hard work! Love the picture...and thank you for the
4th of July greeting! Nice that you remembered us. A very special day for Americans indeed. I am thankful for those who have fought hard for our freedoms, including my own ancestors!
Hot and muggy around here...thought I'd pop by and check if you need me to send out a search party to that garage!! lol
Hope it's going great with your "mission"...I know it's gonna look amazing when you're all done!!
A bit jealous though as we have the "furniture graveyard" here...in that I'm not allowed to remove any of the old family stuff....sigh...well maybe one day :)
Hey Rachael.....it's been awhile, have you survived the garage clean up?
Hope you are winning the battle.
Hey you've got your own site! Go Miss Rachael!
LOL calling me Ms Spam, right back at ya Mrs Spam! xo
Yay for having your won site Rachael!! That is wonderful! You are always so busy!!
The princess looks adorable!! What a doll :)
Love ya,
GOOD FOR YOU Rachel.............You will feel so wonderful when the garage is clean plus you will have extra cash for spending by selling what you don't want to keep.
Your little princess always looks beautiful
Hello, Hello right back! Adorable!
Sandra Evertson
Hi There Rachael...wow, a wacky hair day at your daughter's school?? She looks adorable. I would have so loved to have somethink like this in my school when I was here age, growing up. I would have had so much fun with that...I've always had a love affair with hair and this is such a creative and fun thing for the kids to do...very artsy.
Wacky hair day - I love it! She looks just gorgeous!
Hi Rachael!
Your little princess is so adorable!!! I'm glad you're making progress in your garage...good for you!! :)
Now I just need to do something about mine.....
How cute...the hand and the little Princess... :)
Have a great weekend, Rachel!
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