Its the double garage of our modern day apartment home, you know a garage, a space where it has been known to store a car!
Not this one, whats so very scary is this photo is taken from the bottom of my stair well, a space between my grown up living room and the entrance to my kitchen/dining/family room. Which means that if the door was open, as it frequently is because my laundry is also in here (somewhere) this particular photo is what guesta's (as the Princess calls visitors) walk past . . .

This is like one of those panorama shots that you join together, I am taking photos of the 'garage' in an anti clockwise order . . .

that's actually a automatic garage door, its a traffic stopper on the rare occasions we pluck up the courage to open it!!!!

Quite challenging really . . .

but a little frisson (my new word for the week) of excitement is running through me . . .

watch this space!!!

p.s. if I don't post in a week or two you may need to call a search party . . . I may have got lost . . . in there . . . somewhere . . .
Snigger........oooooh Racheal, do I spy something moving in the garage? Is it another cat that has lost it's way? Nope, it's just the dust bunnies gathering and planning their uprising.....chuckle chuckle...watching....lurking.....
I absolutely love that chalk board! So cute! Well, there is a song titled "Frisson" in Portuguese, that made think of that. Have a great day! hugs, Vanessa
Hi Rachael, I'm looking forward to seeing your progress on this space. I have a huge reorganize problem as well, but your looks like it would be more fun. I always think it easier to organize someone else than yourself. Have fun. and post often
Hugs Karen
Hi, it's so good to see this! I have spaceS similar to this one (no not proud of it!) my attic as well as my basement could well compete with your garage for title most unorganized space. I'm anxious to learn step by step how you are going to deal with this!
Have a nice weekend!
Ya got me laughing, my storage diva!! Mine used to look like that but I've repented and now use it for CARS!
Oh I think we all have spaces like this one -- can't wait to see the transformation -- I have too many spots like this and don't even know where to begin!
Go for it- you can do it- my basement was like that once upon a time (and still kind of is), but I told myself 15 minutes a day was all I had to work on it. Sometimes I did a little more than 15 minutes, but eventually it got organized and has more or less stayed that way- maybe what I should say is, I know where everything is (sort of).
Anyway- be careful out there!
How exciting though...all that possibility!!! Can't wait to see what you're going to do with the space...sure you will transform it into a jewel box of a space :)
i think at one time we ALL have had spaces like this! and yes set the timer for only 15 min at a time...and it does get done! i can't wait to see the story that unfolds and goes with this journey!!!
I think I have an Australian version! Yes I know I do, only thing is mine has cobwebs and is not joined to the house....oh dear Racheal I'm hearing you!
I really had to laugh out loud. Your garage reminds me of mine before we moved things out or away to fit in my little car. But I have stuff in my little studio/attic space and in a spare bedroom and in a basement. Great blog!
ah! WE all have a apace large or smallish where we just "store" "things". I look forward to your accomplishment! You can inspire the rest of us!
I LOVE your garage door.. at least from the inside it looks like the outer side is gorgeous!
OH, Rachael, did you sign up for my celebration week on MONDAY"S post (june23,'08)? I draw names tomorrow eveningish... I do not mean to be mysterious or a tease, this is were i am a bit unorganized and nervous.
i use to have a spare room like that
do a little each day and youll get there
good on you for deciding to do something about it
all the best
oh rachael
I have been busy decluttering and organizing as well. I have all these amazing things I want to do art wise or sewing wise and instead am dutifully decluttering,
Love your blog as always.
Went garage saling yesterday and thought of you every time I saw a pink rose on something!!
Hi Rachel! Thanks for your recent comment on my blog. I would love to go treasure hunting in your garage! I'm sure there are alot of goodies waiting to be uncovered. We recently cleaned out our whole house and my antique booth and had a mammoth yard sale. I'm going to post about it later today. Take care and have fun! Di
If its in those piles - you probably forgot all about it - sell it or trash it! I know, easy for me to say.
Hi Rachael, your post made me laugh. I'll call out the search party if you are not seen for awhile LOL. When we were moving up the street last year, we had what I called "an attic room" where we stored things, almost full to the ceiling in this tiny room too. I thought it would be horrible to clean out buy when we got started, we realized it was mostly empty boxes my husband had saved, from years and years ago. Funny enough, most of the electronics were long gone from our home, like 10 years gone but the boxes remained LOL.
Hi...Can't wait to see the garage makeover...You'd better take lots of breaks, or you'll be tired!...I just did a post on my bedroom makeover, in case you have time to "stop by"...Take care, Katie PS I think my blog is actually what comes up when you hit my web site button...Oh well!
You're in good company girl! I am looking forward to your progress but don't fret over it too much, and please don't get lost!!!
Did my email with the houses turn up in your inbox? i re-sent it, maybe check your spam folder? ox
Oh dear I think we nearly all of us have a "little secret" like that somewhere or other in the home, especially if you sell vintage as I do!
I've got a space like this. Ughhh! All the dust ....luckily mine is outside!
I see lots and lots of potential inhabiting that space :)
Sounds like you have an awesome transformation in mind. Can't wait to see what you have planned!
PLEASE! Do not even ask to see our's horrible. Not counting that we have an ATTIC full of "stuff"....we don't park in our garage either and we have...ummm.....5 vehicles. It gets a tad crowded in the carport and driveway at times.
It is SOOO HOT here right now you would pass out if you tried to work in the garage or the attic anyway. My poor husband is working the attic alot right now doing the electrical work for our kitchen remodel....he comes down SOAKED with sweat. Ugh!!!
You may have a million dollars lost in there somewhere...that's what we keep saying but we never find it. HA!
See ya!
Yeah I think the garage is always the most neglected cause it's used as storage! Good luck with getting it organized. Make sure you pack water, canned foods and a great magazine in case you get lost in there for days..LOL!
There are so many treasures stacked up...hopefully you have emerged and the space looks fabulous!!!
kari & kijsa
Good morning, Rachael... Oh, are you moving???? :)
Talking about moving, I hate moving, I wish we could move to a house by the foot hills, but even if my dream can come true I think I will stay where I am just so that I don't have to pack and go through all that hard work....
well, wishing you time and energy on your garage.
tehe Im going to show these pictures to my long suffering husband,just to prove I am NOT the only one who accumulates stuff/treasures/useful and needful items.He actually paid someone to build a partition down the middle of our double garage so we would have 1/2 each and he wouldnt have to agonise every morning and evening as he got into his beloved ute.I confess to many times his dismay and horror at being unable to drive in due to my opshopping and bargain hunting encroaching into his space.An ongoing saga...
Hey that looks like a place I'd like to go hunting for something wonderful to drag home!
We just got done doing this ourselves so I'd better not drag ANYTHING home :)
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