As you know, because I told you, on 2 Feb we go to Fiji for 5 days. I wish I could close my eyes and be magicked there. Frankly speaking, what I have to do before we leave for Fiji is mammoth . . .
- Organise, buy, borrow, beg, steal and pack for one Korean homestay daughter to go to school camp the week we are in Fiji
- Organise school lunches, bus fares, clothing and meals for my Mum who is having one Korean daughter for part of the week we are in Fiji and one Korean son for the entire week we are in Fiji.
- Host pizza and movie party for one Korean daughter and her friends.
- Buy all party food, drinks and goody bags for The Princess's 5th birthday party of which I am sure 100 children are attending, the day after we return from Fiji.
- Pack for two adults to go to Fiji - easy
- Pack for one small blond child to go to Fiji including clothing, snack food, minor medical supplies, books and activities for plane and god forbid - rainy days . . .
- Buy cat food
- Post items sold on Trade Me
- Post items owing to blog friends
- Clean house . . . maybe . . .
We are really worried about Babes grandmother, this is her third time in hospital in two weeks. I have had two ambulance rides with her over the last two weeks. She has suffered from what they thought was unstable Angina but now looks to be something else. Her liver and pancreas are not performing, this is a much scarier than unstable Angina. Babes Grandad is 87 and Amah (Grandmother) is 81. This coming November will be their 60th wedding anniversary.
Please give Amah a little mention in your prayers.
One thing is for sure, I am having one of those pool side massages when we are in Fiji.
I'll be back posting around 10 March so until then . . . take care blogging friends