I have got really tired of buying and seeing the same old kinds of gifts for little girls, Barbie, Bratz, Little Pet Shop etc,
I give Stella's really close little friends, the one's who come to her tea parties, a vintage English China trio set, cup, saucer and side plate for their birthday gift.
The rest of the little girls get paper doll books, tiara making books, something like that anyway.
However I came up with a brain wave for the the little girl who's party we attended yesterday. This little girl got an apron I had made the night before, her own cup cake recipe, mixing bowl (couldn't find pink), spatula, cup cake papers and sprinkles.

It was such a hit with the other Mum's that I am taking orders!
We have been to 10 pin bowling, indoor playground and swimming pool parties.
This one was at a gorgeous Fairy Shop called the Enchanted Forest where they have fairy rooms for children's parties and are entertained by a real live fairy.
what a good gift well done
wooo hooooo!!! you're going to love what is coming for the princess! hee hee...oh yeah and for you too! funny how the kids get really kool stuff eh?
Rachel you are a genius!! What a wonderful idea, it's so hard finding affordable, useful pressies for parties, half the time the presents are duplicated, not the case with the present given by the Princess. Thanks also for the ideas on our Loft bedroom window thingy, they will certainly go on my ideas list. My minimal look...hee hee you should see the other end of the loft bedroom, you could say quite the opposite to the minimal look, more like a dumping ground to make the minimal look.
The kit is a marvelous idea!
OOOh my gosh Rachel .....the photograph of the little girls looks like an old postcard or old photograph from the 30's. Incredible. Great job. Also I have tried contacting you via Etsy and Ebay and your blog. Look at the listing on Ebay you pruchased for shipping which is 8.00 for the print however look at your Etsy conversations before sending payment. Please tell me you have received this info.
Thank you so much. Pat
How sweet I love the floor too! I want a party Lovely Princess!
Hi Rachael! i think this is one of the neatest ideas I have ever seen! You need to start a business selling those! Open a website! What an awesome idea! You are so clever Rachael!
Love you,
That is a fantastic idea Rachel...i gave my Maddie something similar for her 10th birthday this year and she absolutely loved it and best of all we got to do the cooking together. Definitely a fantastic pressie NOT destined for the toy box/junk pile as so many of them seem to end up. Well done & I love the photo of the party. Mel xxx
Hi Rachael,
Anyone can go into their closest toy shop and buy yet another mass produced over marketed toy BUT it take someone special to go to the trouble of making their own gift. Bet I know which gift was the real winner at the party. What little girl wouldn't want to make cakes with her own supplies???
Well done.
Oh that is hands down the perfect gift! I may have to borrow this idea for my niece's upcoming 5th birthday. I would have LOVED this when I was a kid - heck I would love it now!
I am ohing and ahing at the CHERRY APRON!!!!!!
That is way too cute!!!!
:-) :-) :-)
AND the baking kit gift idea.....
May have to use that one for my grandduaghter who loves to make cuppycakes with her daddy...
Thats even a cute idea for a teenage girl!
You are so cleaver Rachel!
Hugz, Dolly
Rachael what a fabulous gift.
how much fun must that have been!!! and I love your out of the box gift ideas! so cute and creative. I hope I remember to do the same when I have my own someday! Those are the gifts that will be remembered!
I love that party room. My little girl would be over the moon to have her birthday there!
I think that is a fantastic idea for a present. I also love the idea of the vintage trio. I am sure if my daughter got one of those I would be swiping it off her LOL!
Thanks for visiting me, it is good to be back :) Peta xx
I would have loved this gift as a child!!! Okay I would love it still :)
Rachael...what a fantastic idea. I love the cupcake kit. How special and with their own recipe. I can see why you are getting orders for more. Way to go girl!!!
I also like the tea set Idea as well. I want a princess too.
Hugs Karen
How fabulous! What a beautiful birthday gift you made - and you are taking orders, too! That's wonderful! We've been to so many little girl birthday parties, that I too see the same things over and over. It's nice when you can come up with something special that is appreciated (I've yet to come up with something other than the requested store bought toys)! heehee When it comes to little kids' birthday gifts, I go to my friend who owns the neighborhood toy store where most everyone does their shopping, and he fills me in on what the birthday girl has/hasn't had purchased for them yet (a benefit of living in a small town where everyone knows everyone else's business)! lol
What a wonderful gift idea! You should patent that!!
That is the best idea! Love it. You are very clever!
What a lovely gift!
oh my goodness Rachel!! what a fabulous gift you gave and wrapped so pretty. A beautiful fairy princess you have indeed!!
xo Heather
That is such a good idea, Rachael! I might have to borrow it for the next niece's birthday!
Bravo on a wonderful gift idea, you smartie you!!! Love the apron!!Later,Lori
What a fabulous idea! You are so creative! And it looks just awesome all packaged up there!
What an adorable gift idea!! That lucky little girl will remember the gift your little princess gave her for years to come!
Your little daughter is adorable! What a fun place to have a party!
Angelic Accents
That is an awesome gift! No wonder the Mom's were going crazy over them! I hope you get lots and lots of orders!
Oh it's just wonderful and soo unique the gift you made and gave!!! I love the "A" you added! I hope you get lots and lots of orders for this!! I agree with the "same old same old" with the store bought stuff...this is a gift that not only speaks from your heart but it's something she will remember using as she uses it to make her cuppycakes :)
what a fun party! and your daughter looks so adorable!!!
what a unique and special gift you dreamed up for the birthday girl!!! i love it!!!
oh what a great idea for birthday parties!!! How innovative of you!
I am making our 2 yr old grand daughter and her mommy matching aprons for her birthday. I think adding some mixes and 'stuff' will be delightful. SHE LOVES to help mommy bake and cook. So her parents are encouraging that.
Stella is so sweet and pretty.
Maybe you might come up with a 'boy' type present like blue bowls and stuff for pizza or something more 'boyish'
oh my gosh, I want to be a flower fairy!!!!! That is the cutest group of girls, ever! Your gift is absolutely amazing. Little girls just help those creative minds flow......Great job again Rachel, wonderful!
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