Here is my Princess, 5th in from the left. She was a Christmas Angel. She sure is her Mummy's angel!

After the concert the children were all presented with a certificate. Each certificate had a personal message on it. Here is my Princess's certificate.

Although at heart I am a shabby girl, I do love traditional Christmas colours. We needed a new wreath for our front door so one night this week I decided to make one.
Take one $3 un-adorned wreath . . .

A pile of fake holly, cherries, a Santa and some gold beads . . .
Rachael, Your new wreath looks pretty.
How wonderful to have the Pre-school concert. I am off to see the creche concert my grandchildren Chloe and Lachlan will be in on Tuesday evening. Should be fun.
your angel is adorable...i always weep at the school functions, ALL of them, even first day assembly...your wreath is very cute, and i really appreciate the symmetry:) i am NOT a Libra, but i like/need things to be balanced.
It is so special to see our children
growing up, My son is in a kindergarten program for Christmas, he is going to play the drums for rocking around the Christmas tree, I can't wait. Your wreath is darling,thanks for sharing, I too am a libra, but I don't think I am very balanced ahhhhh! Least not right now
everything is so hectic sometimes.
Thanks for visiting Pinkie Denise
Hi Rachael! What an adorable little angel you have there! Just precious!
Know what you mean about the glue gun. I've been using mine a lot & boy, do I have the blisters to prove it!
Nothing wrong with a balanced wreath ~ my entire life needs to be balanced!!
Angelic Accents
well done to your daughter
and to you too
your wreath is LOVELY
jen at
Rachael, your princess is indeed an angel! I love school events like this one... Something to cherish always.
Your wreath turned out great! I always get a burn with the glue gun too :-).
The wreath created is Wonderful, Love it, so Cheerful and Bright!
Happy Holidays!
Sandra Evertson
Hi Rachael, your angel is adorable. The school functions always brought tears to my eyes too! Rachael are we going to be if or when our princesses get married? LOL Love the wreath, the traditional colours are lovely. So you are a Libra, so is my Hubby and my Mum!! I can understand your 'balance' thing perfectly!! Have a wonderful weekend sweetie! Jenn and Jacqui xo
Very nice! I like what you did with it :-)
Hi Rachael,
Your little princess really does look like an angel! It's so much fun going to all the kid's concerts when they are little. They are so funny!
Love your wreath...I think it looks perfect (I'm a libran too!)
Kathy :)
Hi Rachael,
Nice to meet you!!
Your little one is so cute!!
I entered you in my giveaway.
Visit me again soon,
Hi Rachael,
lovely wreath and how sweet is that concert!!!
I still haven't got your addy from you, i'm back from my holiday and i would love to post you your prom princess prize! if you've emailed me i haven't received it.... do you still have my home email addy?
Hi Rachael, love the wreath, and so glad you enjoyed the concert. I have been trying to contact you about the deck the halls swap.....please email me at i havent got your postal address, so I cant post the parcel.
Look at your little angel! She is just precious! Love how your wreath turned out! Thank you so much for all your kind words on my blog. You are always so sweet to compliment my work and I appreciate it very much!
Southern Lady's Vintage
Oh Rachael, your princess is just precious!! How wonderful it must have been to watch the concert! I love watching my boys in school programs!
Your wreath is beautiful Rachael! You did such a great job on it!
Love ya,
Stella- what a sweetie!! You must be so proud. Your wreath is so cute it almost makes me want to brave using the hot glue gun again!
Dear Rachael,
Thank you for your kind comments about my new blog and especiall about my powder room and stockings and Arianna's birthday dress. I just looked at your love your selections of clothes, jewelry and more. You have an eye for the vintage that matters that is for sure. I am loving this blogging stuff. What fun. Have a great time today.
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